Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve 2010

Today has been a perfect ending to 2010....Ami, Cody and Morgan have spent the day with us! Despite the frigid temperature outside, the kids have had a great time playing in the snow, watching movies, and building with Kinex.

While these kids have had a great time hangin' together today, Ami and I decided to make some cake pops:

We got the idea from one of my favorite blogs, MckMama. Bakerella also has some great tips and ideas for these treats.

Tonight we are planning on taking the kids out for pizza and then going to a little New Year's Eve bash....I'm sure we will all be fast asleep long before midnight, though!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010 was the usual chaotic and crazy, yet thoroughly enjoyable, holiday for the McCauleys. I tried something a little different this year, though. I finished all of my shopping and baking and most of my wrapping BEFORE December 24th so I able to spend the day cleaning my house, getting the kids ready for Christmas Eve mass, and putting together a delicious lasagna dinner. After dinner on Christmas Eve, we played poker with Marc's brothers, Ryan and Sean....I'm not sure if it's a bad thing to teach our kids how to gamble at their ages, but we did it anyway. They loved it!

Christmas morning was spent at our home. The kids were all up at 6:09 am....and they were EXCITED! Watching the boys open boxes containing football helmets, pants and jerseys of their favorite teams was the highlight of the day. Unfortunately, Kellan has barely worn a regular pair of pants since. I hope he realizes he is not going to be able to wear those to school next week....this could get interesting. Megan was thrilled to receive an American Girl doll she has been mentioning almost hourly for the last few months....and has hardly touched since Christmas morning....sigh....

After opening gifts at home, we spent a few hours at my parents' house with my sisters. We gorged ourselves on a delicious brunch and reminisced about my grandparents and Christmases was really nice. By 2:00, the kids were tired....and Marc and I were beyond we all headed home for a nap. That evening we went to Marc's parents' house for prime rib and Trivial Pursuit....a McCauley Christmas tradition. All in all, it was another great Christmas!

You may be wondering why no photos....well, I can't figure out where I put my camera. I will try to post some photos as soon as I find it, though! more thing! This isn't really related to Christmas, but I just thought I would mention another new blog I've discovered....a RECIPE BLOG! It is called Suger and Spice and Everything Nice and the recipes are really great!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Epic Cheese

So, I was reading a bunch of my favorite blogs while thinking about blogging about our Christmas...and I came across Epic Cheese. Epic Cheese is pretty's a blog written by a couple crazy kids and it is sure to make you smile....well, I smiled.

I guess I'm not gonna finish my Christmas blog tonight...the kiddos got a Checkers game for Christmas and they are begging me to play with them. I'm not gonna feel even a little bit guilty for winning 'cause I have to get up early to go to work and they get to sleep in!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's just a name.... least that's what Megan thinks.

The other day Megan and I were driving somewhere and she asked if she could talk with me about something that was worrying her. I'm not sure what made me say "Sure, Honey." because usually what worries Megan is something that I'm doing that she doesn't like....but I was actually glad I agreed to hear her out. She told me that she had been playing with some Pet Shop animals on the playground with one of her girlfriends during recess last week and they were having a hard time picking a name for one of the Pets. Well, Megan innocently suggested they call it "Dick", which was her great-grandfather's name. Another little girl happened to be standing nearby and very snootily (Is that a word? If not, I just made it up!) informed Megan that she shouldn't call anything "Dick" because it isn't very nice. Megan was wondering what in the world she was talking about. When Megan finished her explanation, it was all I could do to keep from laughing, but I managed to keep my composure. I didn't really feel like getting into a big explanation, so I just told her that "Richard" is a much nicer name because it's her Daddy's middle name. Someday I'm not gonna get away with this....yikes!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Glory Haus

When I was in Estes Park, CO for a wedding a couple weeks ago, I happened upon an amazing little Christmas store, The Spruce House. Well, this store had the coolest merchandise including this canvas:

Well, the owner of The Spruce House told me about the website from which I could order this canvas and lots of other cool things. The name of this faith-based online business is Glory Haus and it's my new you should go check it out!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Program

Megan and Kellan performed in their school Christmas program last Friday. Their music teacher is very talented and the program was quite entertaining! The morning of their program I asked them to stand close to each other so I could take their picture. They grumbled (and pushed and shoved) because they didn't want to stand next to each other, but then somehow they ended up holding hands.

As you can see, Kellan was thrilled to be holding Megan's hand...and Megan was not so usual...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

After the kids wrapped up their basketball season, we bundled up and drove up to Austin in search of a perfect Christmas tree. I quickly discovered that it was a little too soon after my surgery to be hiking up hills, but I had a great time watching the kiddos play in the snow. Here are some great photos of our afternoon:

Isn't it amazing how well children sleep after spending time in the fresh air?! Kellan is always the first kid up and he didn't appear until 7:00 this morning!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Catch Up Time

I have lots of perfectly good reasons for not blogging lately....and here they are:
  1. I had major surgery.

  2. Basketball

  3. We went on a little trip

  4. Christmas tasks

I'll start with the little....well, not so I think I mentioned in my last post that I was planning on undergoing a hysterectomy and appendectomy. Well, I did. The hysterectomy hasn't been such a big deal, but the appendectomy has been a little painful. I won't mortify you with the details of my follow-up ER visit....suffice it to say that it was one of the most embarassing and horrifying occurrances of my life. I'm happy to report that I'm back to work for a week and am doing really well now.

Megan and Kellan are still enjoying basketball. This is the last week! They have both improved their skills and made some new friends. I'll be glad for a little break in sports....I don't think Winter basketball begins until sometime in January!

This past weekend Marc and I left the kids with our families and travelled to Estes Park, Colorado to attend the wedding of some great friends. We stayed at The Stanley Hotel, which was the location of the filming of The Shining and parts of Dumb and Dumber!

Matt and Jami's wedding was absolutely beautiful...there was hardly a dry eye in the church! Speaking of the church....what a beautiful church! They were married at St. Catherine of Siena Chapel outside of Allenspark, CO....otherwise known as "Church on the Rock" was amazing! We had a great time visiting with our friends...our fantastic weekend went way too fast!

I have to go to Billings tomorrow for a meeting and I'm hoping to accomplish a little Christmas shopping while I'm there. I can't believe it's already December 6th....we still have to get a Christmas tree and finish lots of shopping. Plus we have a little boy who is turning 4 next week so there's a birthday party to plan and a present to buy! And I can't forget my Christmas baking day!

On that note, I'd better get off this computer so I can finish laundry and pack for my trip!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Last Weekend

So, I seem to be running about a week behind updating my blog lately! Last weekend, we enjoyed what appears to have been the last warm day of the year here in Helena by roasting hotdogs and making s'mores at my parents' house.

It was a perfect Montana Fall day and we had a great time! Here are some beautiful images my favorite twin sister captured in my parents' back yard:

Megan and Kellan are still really enjoying basketball and school....we have parent-teacher conferences this week and are looking forward to a couple excellent report cards!

This week will be interesting....I am going in for a little surgery on Tuesday morning....just a hysterectomy and appendectomy....nothing major! So, if you think of it, would you please say a prayer that I recover quickly...I really want to be able to go shopping on Black Friday! A girl's gotta have priorities, right?!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Catch Up!

I can hardly believe it's been two weeks since I last posted anything....I guess that says how busy life has been lately!

I guess I'll start with Halloween....Megan was a ninja, Kellan was an army guy, and Jacksen was Captain Rex from Star Wars. Because the Steelers were playing that night, we had to be creative about trick-or-treating - it worked out just fine, though! All three kids definitely got their fill of trick-or-treating...and they got a PILE of candy. The night before Halloween, we had a little dinner/pumpkin-carving party at our house:

We've also been really busy with basketball lately. This is Kellan's first basketball experience, and he is lovin' it! Both Kellan and Megan have been playing really well and they are definitely improving from week to week! I've taken a few pictures with my blackberry, but they aren't very good so I'll have to wait to post some when I remember to bring my camera to a game!
This last week, Jacksen had the stomach flu for a couple days and Kellan came down with it this weekend. They're both back to normal, but I'm just waiting for Megan to start throwing up in the middle of the night....why does it always seem to hit around midnight?!
And speaking of sickness, Megan's poor little bunny seems to be under the weather as well. She isn't eating and is very thin. We finally got her to drink some water this afternoon and she seems a little more perky...we are praying she comes around soon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

So.... turns out that not having a washing machine for 5 whole days isn't the worst thing ever. I was visiting with a co-worker yesterday and she told me that she and her husband and two boys have been living in an RV since JUNE because they are currently building a house. While listening to her describe the many challenges associated with her living arrangements, I felt really lame for whining about my microwave and washing machine. I live a great life and I should quit taking everything for granted. Isn't it funny how God teaches us lessons in such subtle ways?!

On another note, Kellan is in Bozeman spending some quality time with his Auntie Ann and Uncle John tonight....and I'm really missing him! I have to say, it's amazingly easier to only have two children to bathe and put to bed....even so, I can't wait to see my middlest kiddo tomorrow evening!

I've been meaning to post the Megan and Kellan's school pictures, but I'm a little technologically challenged and I can't figure out how to use my scanner.....I'll have to try again this weekend....

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oh heck!

Remember when I was whining about my microwave not working a couple months ago? Well, that's nothing compared to not having a washing machine for an entire weekend! Yep, my washing machine is out of commission at the moment....thank goodness my sister only lives 5 minutes away and is gracious enough to let me do some laundry at her house! I have learned an important lesson....the next time a wire is protruding from one of my...ahem....undergarments, I will fix it BEFORE I put it in the laundry!

On another note, today is the last day of fall soccer for 2010! Megan and Kellan have both had a great soccer season, but I think they're ready to move basketball, which starts TOMORROW! We've been really lucky to have been blessed with beautiful weather every Sunday afternoon this season, but I know that can't last forever and it's time for indoor sports.

This weekend as really favorite twin sister and I redecorated our little den (I'll post some pics later) and we finally planted a tree in our yard! Yes, we've lived here three years and finally managed to plant a tree! It's a beautiful red crabapple tree that will be gorgeous every kids have been sure to advise me there is NO WAY they will eat any of the apples....but they will be happy to feed them to our horses. They are so least the horses think so....

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Some of My Favorite Blogs

Besides really enjoying my goofy kiddos lately, I have also been enjoying reading some really great blogs....

KellysKorner... a blog I look forward to reading almost everyday. She's a southern mother of one (soon to be a mother of two!) who really inspires me to be a good Christian mom to my kids. PLUS, she posts some GREAT recipes!

Another favorite of mine is MckMama... blog written by a mother of FIVE who resides in Minnesota. She is a mom who has gone through a lot in her marriage as well as a very scary medical condition with her second youngest kiddo....and she is a fantastic photographer!

One of the first blogs I started reading a couple years ago is about Owen, a little boy who was born with half a heart... This blog never fails to remind me of how lucky I am to have three healthy, happy children. Owen has been through a lot in his 2 1/2 years...he is so brave and very charming! Megan and I love reading this blog together and we often pray together for Owen.

Anyway, you've probably noticed all of the blog links on my sidebar....most of them are about parenting, which is my most important and fulfilling job! Sometimes, when I'm in the thick of the daily work associated with raising three seemingly high-maintenance kids, my world can feel kinda small. When I read these blogs, it reminds me of how much I wanted to be a mom....and that I shouldn't take a single second for granted!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


....I've been pretty entertained by my children. Kellan and Jacksen are currently OBSESSED with Star Wars. I've never been interested in the Star Wars thing so I have absolutely no idea what they're talking about, but they seem to know a lot about it. They have light sabers and they play with them all evening everyday.

Megan has been really into arranging playdates with all of her friends...mostly boys. She keeps mentioning these "crushes" in her class....and I keep telling her that there are no boyfriends and girlfriends in second grade! Actually, now that I think about it, we had this same conversation in Kindergarten and First Grade!

Yesterday I volunteered in Kellan's classroom. As I was leaving, a little girl asked me my name. When I answered, she said "My dad's name is Russ. He leaves piles of clothes all over the place! He never picks up his messes!" I had absolutely no idea how to funny!

Megan and Kellan have two weeks left of soccer. They have both really improved their skills this season....I have really enjoyed watching their games! Next on our agenda: Y Basketball!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Random Thoughts

I have a lot on my mind today....and I'm thinking it might be therapeutic to blog about it, here goes...

First of all, I'm a little (actually, A LOT) cheesed about the proposed sex-ed curriculum proposed by the Helena School Board. I'm wondering what kind of people think it's appropriate to teach elementary children about sex?! I'm not merely talking about simple anatomy, I'm talking about words like "vagina", which I am certain my sweet little kindergartener would NEVER say in the most inappropriate situation possible. This curriculum also includes discussion of sex, including anal sex, as well as acceptance of gay relationships. While I pride myself on not being a particularly judgemental person, I also pride myself on being an upstanding Christian parent who prefers to teach my children about their bodies and sex and MORALITY....WHEN THEY ARE READY. Not only do I feel offended that the school board is implying that I am either unfit or unwilling to provide this information to my children, I have no interest in putting my children in a situation where they are forced to listen to an adult with whom they have no trusting, caring relationship discuss things that I have told them strangers should NEVER say to them. I am certain that would be embarassing and uncomfortable to my children, and probably most others. Anyway, I think I could go on about this for days, and there's plenty of other stuff on my mind.... the job interview I have tomorrow afternoon. No kidding. After almost 20 years with my current employer, I am considering a change. I would still remain in my field....just with a little different focus and a different employer. It's so daunting to think of that kind of change....but I'm also in the mood to shake up my life a maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I just can't figure out why this idea is so stressful to me. I've always thought I was pretty brave...but maybe I'm just a big weenie after all. I'll keep you posted on that...

....and how well my diet and exercise program is going. A friend of mine recently inspired me to not just exercise to lose weight, but to exercise to get in really good shape...well, and to look hot. I have this thing about my...ahem...rear. I have a goal to have the most firm abs and rear of my life....and I'm finding out it's going to require some serious work and dedication. Don't get me wrong, I'm not overweight and I actually have a flat stomach (which I consider an accomplishment after three children!), but I want to look like those sexy moms you see on TV. You know, those chicks who look ten years younger than they really are and everybody says "You don't look old enough to have kids that age!" Yeah....besides being the nicest, coolest person anybody ever met, I also aspire to be the hottest mom. I'm sure there is something really wrong with admitting that, but it's my blog, right?! And, anyway, after spouting my opinion about the proposed sex ed curriculum, I'm sure I'll be down a few readers anyway!

Whew! All of this therapy is making me crave chocolate ice cream...but I'm drinking ice water instead. Huh. Maybe that's what is really bothering me the chocolate....sigh...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Weekend

So, I got a taste of single parenting this weekend. Marc spent the weekend at Flathead Lake with some buddies so I was on my own. Naturally, Megan and Kellan were both invited to birthday parties, the boys needed haircuts, my house needed some serious attention, I needed some groceries, and Megan and Kellan both had soccer games. I was kinda stressed about getting all of this done, and my kids must have sensed that because they were perfect little angels all weekend. I keep waiting for them to go back to bickering and far, so good...

On Friday night we went to Target to do some birthday gift shopping and then we met Grandpa and Grandma McCauley at Pizza Hut for dinner. After dinner I took the boys to Great Clips to get haircuts. We got up pretty early Saturday morning and the kids helped me clean our house. Kellan even cleaned the basement for me! We ate a quick lunch and then I took Kellan to his party and Megan to her party. Jacksen and I came home and finished laundry and took a little rest. Then we picked up Megan, stopped by the store for a few things and joined Grandpa and Grandma McCauley (who had picked up Kellan for me) for dinner. We got home with just enough light outside to feed the horses. This morning we met Aunt Ami and Cody and Morgan for breakfast at the Donut Hole. Cody and Morgan watched the kiddos while Ami and I went grocery shopping. Then the kids and I rushed home to put away groceries, eat a quick lunch and change into soccer gear for the afternoon games. Kellan played at 1:00 and Megan played at 3:30...we had some time to kill in between games to we cooled off with some ice cream at Dairy Queen. We got home at 5:00....the kids took showers while I made dinner....and then, because I felt like I hadn't done enough all weekend, I mowed the lawn. Whew!

And, speaking of soccer games, Megan and Kellan both played awesome today! Kellan scored a hat trick and Megan scored two goals against the toughest team in her league! I am so proud of them!

Well, I am too tired to type's only 8:18, but I am going to bed!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Soccer Season

If you're wondering where I've been lately....the answer is Seibel Fields...watching Megan and Kellan play soccer. This year we decided to put Kellan in the Helena Youth Soccer league instead of the YMCA league....mostly because that's the league Megan plays in so they both have games on Sunday afternoons and our Saturday morning are free. We're finding that this is a much more competitive league, which is great for Kellan - he is no longer outscoring his opponents 5 to 0! He had a really great game on Sunday...he scored two goals and blocked a few more! All of the boys were really into the game so it was really exciting to watch.

Megan is playing well, but she's still working on getting into her groove. She isn't quite as into sports the way her brother is, but she does her best and has a good time...and that's what counts, right? Well, not if you ask her! Megan not only inherited my serious lack of athleticism, I guess she inherited my competitive spirt also!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sibling Rivalry

Since school started, Megan and Kellan have spent a lot less time around each other...well, except they ride the bus together every morning and go to Kids' Club after school together, and they share a room together, and eat meals together, and ride in cars see where I'm going with this? They are either bickering until I want to cry or they are bestest friends....there doesn't seem to be much middle ground. Now that Kellan has started school, they have a bit more in common, which helps....but Kellan is still the pesky little brother who LOVES to bug his big sister and Megan is still the bossy big sister who LOVES to be in control at all times. Lately, we've been trying to think of ways to spend one-on-one time with them and give them a break from each other....kinda difficult when the kids outnumber the parents, but we're doing our best. I'm hoping a little break from each other will result in more moments like this:

Really, I think Jacksen is the smart one...he just stays out of their battles and does his own thing!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Jacksen Thought

Jacksen is usually pretty quiet in the car. I think it's because he's so busy observing this crazy world that he just has a lot to think about. While driving into town this morning, we had this little conversation:

Jacksen: Mom, I want a guinea pig for my birthday so I can put money in it.
Me: Jacksen, do you mean that want a piggy bank for your birthday?
Jacksen: Yeah, I want a guinea pig that I can put money in.
Me: Okay, Jacksen. That sounds a little painful for the guinea pig, though. Do you think we should get a piggy bank instead?
Jacksen: Yeah. That would be okay.

Thank goodness he saw the wisdom behind my suggestion!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Cute Kindergartener

After A LOT of anticipation and excitement, Kellan started kindergarten today!

When I went into his room to wake him up this morning, the first thing he said was "Today is my big day!" He could hardly wait to go to school! When we arrived at Jim Darcy, Megan found her friends while Kellan and I wandered inside to hang up his backpack. He even remembered how to find his classroom! I took Kellan back outside to play for a bit before the bell rang. We found Megan, who took his hand like a good big sister. As I walked across the playground to the parking lot, a couple little boys ran past me screaming their heads of them was Kellan. Nope...I didn't even shed a tear....but it was close!

Tomorrow is another big day for Kellan....his first day riding the bus to school! I expect the excitment of that adventure to last exactly one day....long enough for him to find out it's a long, boring ride that starts at 7:05 am!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Second Grade

Well, Miss Megan started second grade today!

She was really excited to see all of her friends and had a great day in her new classroom. She started her day by happily getting out of bed, putting on a new outfit, eating some toast and yogurt and feeding her bunny. After dropping Jacksen off at daycare, Megan and Kellan and I headed off to Jim Darcy. Megan immediately found her friends while Kellan and I completed Kindergarten check-in. Kellan doesn't start school until tomorrow. I hope I don't totally embarass myself by I did on Megan's first day of Kindergarten. I'm not normally an overly emotional person, but the idea of sending my kids off into the big world on their own brings tears to my eyes. I'm not sure if it's because I'm sad to see them growing up....or just kind of relieved that they're growing up....

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Swan Lake 2010

We spent Monday through Thursday at lounging in the sun at Swan Lake with Grandpa and Grandma McCauley. We couldn't have asked for better weather!

One of Kellan's favorite things to do is canoe or paddle boat over to an island across the lake where he and Grandpa McCauley have been working on a fort:

The fort is hidden behind these trees and brush

While spending time by the lake Tuesday afternoon, Marc and Jacksen found a small snake. Jacksen just picked it up - he wasn't the least bit afraid...unlike his mother!

In addition to sunbathing and water-splashing, we strolled through downtown Bigfork, enjoyed some delicious meals, watched movies, and took a few naps. All in all, it was perfect little get-away before school starts next week!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Kinda Funny

So, Megan got a Webkin for her birthday, but because we took a little trip to Swan Lake for a few days (I'll post about that later!), she hasn't had a chance to check out the website with the code that came with her blue puppy. Well, she asked about it this morning, and we had this little conversation:

Megan: Mom, you know what I named my Webkin?
Me: What, honey?
Megan: Wed. It's short for Wednesday.
Me: Okaaaaay.
Megan: Or do you think I should just call her Wen?
Me: Whichever.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Megan Turns 8

Miss Megan turned 8 yesterday! We started our her big day with french toast for breakfast and then we baked cupcakes for her afternoon pool party. Though the weather has been quite rainy and Fall-like in Helena lately, the clouds parted and the sun warmed the air just for our girl!

Speaking of our girl, she is growing up to be such an amazing person. Megan is unfailingly kind, loves unconditionally, and is wise beyond her years. She is impressively responsible for her age. So responsible, in fact, that Marc and I gave in to her to her endless campaigning and got her a bunny for her birthday! (I'll introduce you to Fluffy in a later post.)

Anyway, after the wet and wild birthday party, we joined Grandpa and Grandma McCauley for dinner at Applebee's. Megan loved being sung to by the wait staff and thoroughly enjoyed her complimentary birthday dessert! AND, if cupcakes at the pool party and dessert at Applebee's wasn't enough, we then went to Grandpa and Grandma McCauley's for birthday cake and ice cream. Megan's birthday was an all-day affair this year!

Monday, August 9, 2010

40 Years

Happy 40th Anniversary to Grandpa and Grandma McCauley!

Not Me! Monday!

Mckmama- Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Yes....Not Me! Monday! is back! So....what have I NOT been doing lately? Now that I think about it, there is plenty of stuff I haven't done lately.
For starters, I didn't spend the last...oh...I don't know....several Sundays lounging around my Grandparents' pool drinking an ice cold Mountain Dew while watching my children splash around. Not while my husband worked his hiney off delivering hay and constructing a playground for our kids. That just wouldn't be right! (And I don't have the best tan of my life right now either...woohoo!)
And I didn't, okay, 37, this last week. There is no way I'm old enough to remember the first day of MTV programming, parachute pants, or that big hair era. Yeah...and my 20th high school reunion isn't less than a year away either.
Tonight I didn't make breakfast burritos for dinner and I didn't put a clean pair of Kellan's underwear on Jacksen because I realized I somehow forgot to do laundry this past weekend. I'm not overjoyed that it's raining tonight so Marc would stay inside and help me with the kids. And I'm NOT totally looking forward to reading the People magazine that came in today's mail today when I go to bed tonight....pssh....who reads that junk anyway?!

Monday, August 2, 2010

He ripped his pants...

....and I'm not talkin' about SpongeBob!

Marc took the kids for a horseback ride today. Megan and Kellan rode together on Smoke and Jacksen rode on Texas with Marc. Well, despite many theories provided by Megan and Kellan, I'm still not sure how it happened that Marc and Jacksen got bucked off. Lucky for Jacksen, he landed in some soft weeds. Marc was not so lucky - he landed on a rock and his tush is quite sore. For some reason, our children are very entertained by Marc's sore bottom....and the fact that he ripped his pants. They are making up songs about it and teasing him mercilessly. When I suggested that Marc maybe apply some ice to the...ahem...affected area, Jacksen laughed hysterically. I don't think Marc is ever going to live this down....and it may be awhile before he gets back on his horse...unless he straps a pillow to his saddle...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Good Fortune?

I went to Jade Garden with some friends from work for lunch yesterday. This was the message inside my fortune cookie:

Time heals all wounds. Keep your chin up.
I'm not sure if that was a good one or not. Of course, I didn't read it until I had spilled my wonton soup in my lap and then realized that I had forgotten my leftovers. Sigh....

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Random Thoughts

So, right now I'm wondering why I thought it was a good idea to pick up happy meals in the McDonald's drive-thru tonight. My kids love the idea of happy meals, but they never really want to eat their cheeseburgers and fries. I've literally had to bribe them to eat their dinner....guess I should've gone with pb&j's and fruit tonight!

Anywho, yesterday we went for a hike/horseback ride up Trout Creek Canyon with Grandpa and Grandma McCauley and Uncle John and Auntie Ann. For some reason, I assumed it would be a mile or was three miles...each way. I'm not much of a hiker, but I made the best of it. Well, except for being a little bit whiney. After our hike/horseback ride, we decided to have burgers at the York Bar. That would've been a great thing except there was a 30-year reunion party there and folks were drinking...and cussing...a lot. We inhaled our burgers and headed home for baths/showers and ice cream sandwiches.

This afternoon we went swimming at Grandpa and Grandma Miller's house. The kids had a blast...and they ate waaaaaay too many cookies. that I think about it, that might be why they aren't eating their happy meals.

We have an interesting week ahead of us....on Tuesday Marc and the kids are going to take Uncle Ryan to Bozeman to catch a flight back to California. It's fair week here in Helena and Marc is planning on taking the kids to the stickhorse rodeo on Wednesday morning and the Kiddie Parade is Thursday morning. Speaking of Thursday, that is Marc and my 10-year anniversary! And, it also happens to be the last evening of t-ball. After Kellan's game, we are planning on going out for a nice dinner minus kids. We haven't seen each other much lately (have I mentioned how much I love hay season?!) so I wonder what we'll talk about. On Saturday, we are going to take the kiddos to the fair and the rodeo.

This Friday we are going to a little bbq and bonfire to spend some with some of my cousins. I have LOTS of cousins on my mom's side of the family.....I think there are 20 of us....and we don't see each other often. My aunts took care of us during the summers so we all spent alot of time together when we were growing will be fun to spend some time catching up with them.

I'm currently reading "Julie and Julia"....I loved the movie and, of course, I'm enjoying the book even more. I really like cooking and I really like blogging so it seems like the perfect book to read!

Now, it's time to throw away most of the McD's food that my kids didn't eat, give them baths/showers, and put on a movie. Only two hours until bedtime....Whew!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


It's been pretty hot lately so we've been spending a lot of time at my Grandparents' pool. This is the first summer that I've been able to take all three kids to the pool by myself without frantically checking on them every few seconds. Jacksen is slowly getting brave about playing in the water. Yesterday he decided it would be okay to jump in the water with a lifejacket on and an innertube thing around him. TODAY, however, he realized he could swim around with just a life jacket on...he was so proud of himself!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Random Thoughts

I love summer....but it's kinda tiring, too.

This week Megan and Kellan spent the mornings at Vacation Bible School and then Megan participated in Bruin Basketball Camp Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon. Megan is sleeping over at her friend's house tonight. I kinda miss her, but I'm sure she's having a great time.

Marc bought a hay truck this week. He has his own business, Big Sky Contracting Service, and he hauls hay for Sieben Ranch. He pretty much leaves right when I walk in the door after work and doesn't return until it's dark outside. Sometimes, even though I'm spending time with my sweet kiddos, I feel a little lonely.

I've been thinking about what we should do to celebrate our 10th anniversary at the end of the month. We've talked about staying at Chico and then driving through Yellowstone Park, but haven't had time to make a decision...maybe this weekend...

I am taking the day off work tomorrow. I had a hard week at work and I feel like I need a fun day. I'm going to sleep in a bit, take the kids swimming all afternoon and then make something delicious for dinner. Maybe I will even give myself a fresh pedicure!

And, to start my long weekend off right, I am going to go to bed before 10:30 tonight...I'm exhausted!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This summer I've noticed an unusually large number of bluebirds in our area. This afternoon there were several flying around our deck and I happened to catch a picture of one:

Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July

We had a nice, quiet 4th of July this year. We started out the day with a treat....donuts at The Donut Hole. I have to admit, that was more for me than the kids...I LOVE Donut Hole maple bars!!! Uncle Sean and Vanessa flew back to Denver yesterday, but not before some wrestling and soccer. In the afternoon we joined Grandpa and Grandma McCauley for a little fishing and a picnic at Dog Creek. Afterward, we did some fireworks in our driveway and then sat on our deck and watched fireworks all over the Helena valley.

The Fields' Family Firework stand

  • Aunt Katy and Jacksen selling fireworks

    Chai tea and sparklers

    All-American Jacksen

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Let's see...what have I done in the last week? Well, I went to Missoula with Ami and my aunt, Bridget, on Thursday. We stayed overnight and did lots of shopping. By the time I returned to Helena on Friday afternoon, Marc and the kids were off camping. I enjoyed a nice, quiet Friday evening by myself...I just kind of wandered around my house aimlessly...I guess I forgot what to do on a Friday night with no kids! On Saturday morning, I got up and went for a great walk/run/hike, went grocery shopping, and visited with my Dad. Then I got busy baking cupcakes and a snickerdoodle cake for Marc's birthday.

Later in the afternoon Marc's folks and I drove up to have a birthday dinner with Marc and the kids. Aunt Ann and Uncle John and Uncle Sean and his sweet girlfriend, Vanessa, came up, too. John and Ann and I stayed while the others drove home to sleep in comfortable beds. Have I ever mentioned that I am NOT much of a tent camper? Well, I'm not. At all. I like camping, but I really dislike sleeping in a tent. I hate to admit this, but I'm always afraid a bear is going to attack our tent so I always end up being awake all night....listening to every single noise. We are seriously considering buying a camper in the next couple years....otherwise, Marc is going to be doing a lot of camping with three children....all by himself. Anyway, here are some great pictures from the camping weekend:

Leslie Lake

Three happy...and very!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Little Beauty

So, today Megan and I went to visit Patty, my hairdresser. Great Clips just wasn't cutting it (no pun intended!) as far as Megan's hairstyle. We've been growing out her bangs for awhile and it was time to give her a "style". This is what we ended up with:

While we were there, we both got our eyebrows waxed. Megan was very brave about it...but I bawled like a baby. Not really...but my eyes did tear up.....maybe a little bit more than Megan's....

Friday, June 18, 2010


After an amazingly rainy week, the sun finally returned today! It was a beautiful evening....a perfect evening for fishin'!

The water was moving a little too fast to catch anything, but the kids had a great time anyway. We're planning on trying again next weekend....but I think we'll have to explain "catch and release" before then. I can't really see myself cooking a fish...or eating a fish. I like fish from the store, but I'm not big on dealing with fish bones.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A Little Trip

So, this last weekend we travelled to Bozeman for a little recreating with Auntie Ann and Uncle John...we saw waterfalls, ate dinner in a bar, swam in a pool, and shopped a little.

On Saturday afternoon, after a delicious lunch of tacos specially made for us by Ann, we packed into our Dodge Grand Caravan and drove to Big Sky. We hiked on a really nicely groomed trail to this:

Ousel Falls

It was only about a mile or so from our vehicle and the kids did great. They got a little tired on the way back, though.

Thank goodness for Uncle John!



We were all starving after our hike so we decided to have dinner at The Corral...a little bar/restraunt up the road from Big Sky. The food was great! We drove back into Bozeman and checked into our motel. Despite the late hour (it was 9:00, which is late to me!), we spent some time in the pool for a bit, watched a little Toy Story, and then tucked everybody into bed. For some reason, I thought it would be a great idea to share a bed with Megan and Kellan and give Marc and Jacksen their own bed. I don't know what I was thinking...that was a terrible idea! After repeatedly getting hit in the head, I finally decided to join Marc and Jacksen...sometime around 1:30 in the morning. Let's just say it wasn't a really restful night for anybody.

After a refreshing 8:30 am swim for Marc, Megan and Kellan, we ate a quick breakfast, made a quick stop at Murdoch's for some new boots for Megan, and then met John and Ann for our next adventure. We drove through Hialite Canyon and then hiked to Palisade Falls...

Palisade Falls

After all of this exercise, I still had enough energy to hit a great sale at Old Navy. Then we drove home and went to a birthday party...and we all slept like logs last night!