Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Not Me Monday....on a Tuesday!

In the spirit of MCKMama's "Not Me Monday" posts, I thought I would let you know about some of the things the McCauley kids (and their parents) have NOT been up to lately.

Jacksen definitely has not slept in his hat (all night long) the last few days. That would be crazy - he could end up with permanent dents in his little noggin! Megan surely didn't run out of the bathroom in the middle of a family get-together and announce (I do mean ANNOUNCE) there was fresh poop on the bathroom rug - maybe from the cat. That could never happen in our immaculate home! AND, Kellan would never proclaim in his loudest possible indoor voice that another lady in our line at the grocery store looked like a witch. My perfect middlest child would never be that INAPPROPRIATE! And the McCauley kids' mom?! Well, she would never work hard for weeks to increase her stamina on the stairmaster only to get back into the habit of eating ice cream before bed every night - who would be that crazy?! I know the answer to that question...a very tired, but happy, mom of three kids!

I've saved the best for last. Just a week or so ago, Kellan really was being silly and making up goofy words during dinner, but he absolutely did not inadvertently call his sister a F$*^head! And his parents did not find it funny, either...later...when he wasn't in the room to see us grin about it... 'cause that definitely would not be good parenting!

I realize there are no cute pictures to go with this post...but merely imagining these scenarios is surely entertaining enough!

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