Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Have you ever had one of those days? By one of those days, I mean the kind of day when you get to work a little later than you intended? Then you ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch because you promised your husband you would quit eating out for lunch so much even though you were really craving something better? And, after work, before you could even get out of your vehicle, two children were climbing on top of you desperate for some mommy time after an entire day with their (wonderful) father? Then, you had to clean every room in your house, make dinner, clean up from dinner, reclean every room in your house, give your oldest child a bath, do laundry, and beg your husband to come up with alternative arrangement for sighing up the oldest child for the sheep riding event at the upcoming local rodeo because sign-ups start at 8 am, but anybody who even wants a chance for their child to participate has to be there around 6:30 am but you have to be at work no later than 8 am because you are moving into your new office first thing in the morning? And, in the midst of all this chaos, your husband disappeared outside to work on landscaping and your three children were the crankiest, most orneriest children in the universe? Just wondering if I'm the only one who has had one of those days.....

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