Monday, October 12, 2009


Good news....Miss Megan is feeling better! In fact, she is back to her happy little self! Kellan and Jacksen both have quite a cough, but no, I'm not sure if they caught the swine flu or just a cold. Let's hope they caught a very mild version of this flu...and that's all!

We spent a quiet weekend indoors. Helena broke records for cold temperatures over the last couple days so it was just fine to stay home! We watched a lot of movies, took some good naps, and enjoyed some time together. Megan and Kellan actually made it through the weekend with hardly any bickering (very unusual!) so I bought them their favorite holiday sugar cookies when I went grocery shopping yesterday. I feel like I'm cheating when I feed my children any cookies that are not made from scratch, but they just love these things!

Okay, okay...I confess, I kinda like them too!

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