Monday, November 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Besides the fact that I have not been adding to my blog as much as I would like, there are a few other things I have not been doing lately. For instance, yesterday morning while Marc, Megan and Kellan were at church, I did not pull up the video to Taylor Swift's song, Crazier, on YouTube....and dance with my favorite little partner!

And then I did not let him roll around on the counter while giggling hysterically....

Last night we went to Aunt Katy and Uncle Bill's house for dinner to celebrate Uncle Bill and Grandma Cindy's birthdays. Aunt Katy served homemade mac and cheese and cheesey hot dogs for dinner...very kid-friendly! We were all just finishing up when Katy asked if anybody would like another wiener. As you can imagine, Kellan latched right on to that opening! He kept saying the word "wiener" and then giggling. Before you ask, I definitely did not laugh until I cried everytime he said it and started giggling. I know, I know....totally inappropriate!
One more thing...on my way home from our parent teacher conference this afternoon, there was a truck speeding up our road and stirring up all kinds of dust. I most definitely did not call the guy and moron and say that I hope he gets a flat tire in front of my very impressionable 7-year-old. What kind of example would I be setting if I did a think like that?!

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