Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what her kiddos and everybody else's kiddos have not been doing this week.
Instead of blogging about all of the stuff I haven't been doing lately, I decided to blog about the things my kids haven't been doing over the long weekend....much more interesting, if you ask me!
I'll start with the littlest McCauley kid, for a change. Mr. Jacksen did not spend the weekend working on potty training....and he isn't just a little excited about his accomplishment either. I wouldn't say he's completely potty-trained, but he might be thinking a lot more about it....well, I mean, he would be thinking a lot more about it IF he spent the weekend working on potty training.
Kellan....where to start? Kellan wasn't in an unusually compliant mood all weekend...well, at least until today anyway. He didn't eat like he's going through a growth spurt and he didn't sleep the best of all the kids. AND, he wasn't the most brave kid when we went sledding yesterday either. The thing I'm most amazed about....despite keeping him busy all weekend, he didn't even take one nap. Oh, wait...he really didn't take a single nap...sigh. Oh, and he didn't spend the entire afternoon doing everything he could to keep me from taking a nap...including making totally inappropriate jokes about his...ahem...rear end. Would Kellan do that?!
Miss Megan didn't have her buddy, Isa B., over for a sleepover last night...and they didn't keep me up almost the entire night, either. And these girls weren't just a little excited about raspberry sherbet floats and brownies....hmmm....that might be why they would've been up most of the night....maybe. Anyway, to end her long weekend, Megan surely didn't take a 2-hour nap this afternoon. And my kid wouldn't be the one to pretend to be sick when she found her out her brothers get to go to Aunt Katy's house tomorrow instead of daycare...nope...not Megan!
Finally, while I'm typing this post, all three kids are not tearing through our house pretending to be chased by a crocodile...and I'm not feeling like I'm losing my marbles either....
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